This section hosts guidelines, manuals and toolkits to strengthen public health practice.
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by NITI Aayog 60 MIN READ
This compendium was developed to facilitate knowledge sharing and showcasing innovative approaches and effective strategies that have led to a desirable change in Health and Nutrition outcomes in India. It captures measures taken to address COVID-19 pandemic as well as initiatives undertaken by state governments and district administrations to ensure access to essential health services to target population. The broad thematic area of the practices includes maternal and child health outcomes, dietary interventions , program strengthening and community mobilization. This Compendium is expected to benefit decision makers and other stakeholders by providing an opportunity for cross-learning through exchange of ideas and diverse experiences. It also provides guidance for improving effectiveness of existing health and nutrition programs by serving as a useful reference tool to reach out to the most marginalized sections of the population. Click here to read the compendium.
For implementers